EPOCH Practice is a project co-funded by the European Union to promote knowledge and capacity building in support of the European Platform on Combatting Homelessness.
Co-financed by the European Union, the French Interministerial Delegation for Accommodation and Access to Housing (DIHAL) and the King Baudouin Foundation, this programme started in January 2024 and will last for 2 years.
The main target audience is representatives of the EU Member States responsible for national homelessness policies. We also aim to extend our activities to all stakeholders related to homelessness (NGOs, local authorities, housing providers, people with lived experience of homelessness...).
Three instances will help us carry out this project:
- The Advisory Board, composed of funders of EPOCH Practice, will provide advice on programme management.
- The Expert Committee ensures the quality control of our activities and that the outputs are evidence-based.
- The Experts by Experience Group will facilitate the participation of 10 people with lived experience of homelessness and peer workers.
A set of activities will be offered to members of the Platform and to all stakeholders involved in the fight against homelessness:
To stay up to date on upcoming activities or events,
make sure to follow on LinkedIn and BlueSky
and to register to our bi-monthly newsletter, the EPOCH Practice Bulletin.