Report Launch: 9th Overview of Housing Exclusion in Europe 2024

19/09/2024 14:00


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In Europe, an increasing number of children are being forced to live on the streets or in shelters. How many are affected? What are the consequences for their development and well-being? FEANTSA and FAP aim to address these issues in the launch of the 9th the Overview on Housing Exclusion in Europe, where they will also present proposals for the new mandate of the European Parliament and Commission. 

Draft Agenda

14h00 to 14h10: Opening by Freek Spinnewijn, Director, FEANTSA

14h10 to 14h50: Presentation of the 9th Overview by Nicolas Horvat (FEANTSA) and Sarah Coupechoux (FAP)

14h50 to 15h20: Round of Responses 

  • Dr. Niall Muldoon, Ombudsman for Children, Ireland
  • Lucie Davoine, Head of Unit Disability and Inclusion, Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission
  • Marissa Plouin, Policy Analyst, OECD
  • Raphael Vulliez, Jamais sans Toit

15h20 to 15h50: Q&A

15h50 to 16h00: Conclusions by Manuel Domergue, Research Director, FAP