Webinar series on Health and Homelessness

WEBINAR I: Health Inequalities of people Experiencing Homelessness

30th September- Monday (11:00 – 12:30 CET)


Register here


This autumn, FEANTSA is organising a series of webinars to explore the connection between health and homelessness. In these online events, we will invite experts on health and homelessness who have conducted research at the intersection of these areas or/and have implemented successful practices in removing barriers for people facing homelessness to access to healthcare. You can still register to our first webinar taking place on the 30th of September. In the following webinars we will explore the topics of Homelessness and Tuberculosis and Mental Health, we will keep you updated with the following dates!

People who experience homelessness generally face elevated levels of physical and mental health issues, along with a higher risk of premature mortality,[1] compared to those with stable housing. Poor health can both lead to and worsen homelessness, while the lack of adequate housing significantly impacts individuals' physical and mental well-being. Homelessness is also characterized by profound social exclusion and marginalisation, which directly affect the health of those living in precarious conditions, emergency accommodation, or sleeping rough. These individuals often encounter substantial barriers to accessing health services and face obstacles to recovery, further exacerbating health inequalities.

The upcoming webinar will explore the connection between homelessness and health inequalities, with a focus on health outcomes and service accessibility. Additionally, the webinar will examine innovative strategies to overcome these barriers.



  • Examine the connection between Homelessness and Health Inequalities. To provide a deeper understanding of how homelessness impacts physical and mental health, leading to significant health disparities.
  • Identify and discuss the barriers and facilitators in accessing health services for people facing homelessness, within the European context.
  • Discuss and share innovative approaches and strategies aimed at overcoming barriers to healthcare access for people experiencing homelessness.
  • Offer an opportunity for participants to share their experiences and services and co-create solutions for problems identified.



- Barriers and facilitators to health care access for people experiencing homelessness in four European countries: an exploratory qualitative study

Speaker: Tobias Fragner, Medical University of Viena, Center of Public Health


- How to overcome the barriers? - Fieldwork experiences in different countries

Part one: Crescer, Portugal

Speaker: TBC


Part two: Infirmiers de Rue, Belgium

Speaker: Pierre Ryckmans


Part three: Budapest Methodological Centre of Social Policy and its Institutions, Hungary 

Speaker: Istvan Dande


  • Q&A session



Keep an eye out for the next webinars in this series:

Webinar II: 31st October- Thursday (11:00 – 12:30 CET): Homelessness and Tuberculosis

Webinar III: 21st November, Thursday (11:00 – 12:30 CET): Homelessness and Mental Health.


[1] FEANTSA statement (September 2016) Average Age at Death of People Who Are Homeless.