Under the umbrella of the European Housing Forum
Decarbonisation of the EU Housing Stock Through Contextualised EU Climate Policies: A Housing Sector Perspective
The decarbonisation of the European housing stock, while making it affordable, safer and accessible, is a matter of great importance for our organisations. Better performing buildings can ensure healthier and safer environments for all citizens. Together we represent housing consumers – be they tenants, owner-occupiers, or households at risk of housing deprivation – housing providers such as private, social and public housing landlords and private developers, as well as housing professionals including builders, architects, chartered surveyors and real estate agents and managers.
Following the release of the first batch of the Fit for 55 package in July 2021, and ahead of the second one planned for December, in particular the proposal for amending the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), we deem it essential to share the following recommendations to ensure that the transition towards a decarbonised housing stock is achieved with extra prudence and regard to specific considerations.
Read our joint statement here (online PDF)