The Erasmus+ project Generativity: Manage It, coordinated by FEANTSA, had its first project milestone. From June 12th to 16th, project partners met in Greece for a 5-days joint staff training, hosted by our local project partner Kea. The training had two main aims: First, to present and discuss the Generativity learning modules among the partnership, collecting comments and feedback which will help shaping the final version. Second, the training event gave space for extensive knowledge sharing and exchange between the expert partners (Diciannove, Danmar, European Evaluation Company) and the other partner organizations (among them the FEANTSA members fioPSD and the Fédération des acteurs de la solidarité).
During the next months, the partners will jointly work on the training modules. Their main focus will be on European funding and how Project Cycle Management can support the successful design, planning & implementation of European projects. The modules particularly target organizations that provide training to adults and youth as well as the wider social sector.
The training modules will be published on the Generativity platform in early December and disseminated through multiplier events in all project countries: Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Poland and the UK.