The European Commission Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion has published the 2018 catalogue of FEAD-funded initiatives across the EU, which also highlights how they can potentially complement other EU-funded programmes such as the European Social Fund.
FEAD, the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived, can offer assistance to the most vulnerable across Europe. A number of case studies demonstrate how the fund can be used in the fight against homelessness. For example, the Chefs Without Borders project in Trinec, Czech Republic, brings homeless women together to prepare meals which are then distributed to homeless projects in the area. In another example, the ACASA in Dortmund project has used FEAD funding to deliver targeted outreach work, counselling and referral services to vulnerable mobile EU citizens in the city.
To read more about these and other case studies, click here to download the full catalogue.