FEANTSA Youth Study Session: A Gendered Approach to Youth Homelessness
European Youth Centre, Budapest, Hungary
22-26 November 2021

Call for Applications

Application Form 

Deadline: 6 September 2021


The FEANTSA Youth Study sessions over the past six years have provided an opportunity for young professionals from across Europe to come together to identify key issues in tackling youth homelessness and propose a series of solutions. The study sessions have led to a growing and dynamic alumni network with membership from across a wide variety of fields including social work, youth work, academics, students, law, architecture, public policy (local and national civil services), NGOs and others.

The past study sessions have focused on taking a human rights approach to preventing youth homelessness while also developing and implementing an advocacy strategy aimed at raising awareness for youth homelessness among policy makers.

This year's study session will explore how young women experience homelenssess and provide the space to consider their unique experiences and what that means for services and how to develop and deliver solutions for young women experiencing homelessness.

Please note the course covers travel, accomodation and meals for the week, participants will pay a EURR50 registration fee to the Council of Europe. The fee will be deducted from the travel reimbursement.

You can read the call for applications here. Please read carefully to ensure you are an elgibile candidate. 

You can apply to the study session with the application form here.

More information please contact