2 Day Training on Youth Homelessness & Mental Health

Playback for Day 1

 Playback for Day 2


Dr. Adam Burley, Scotland

Charlotte Lenoir, France (presentation coming soon)

Robert Cade, Center Point, England

Emma Wilkinson, Rock Trust, Scotland

Heini Kaasalainen, Sea Tribe, Finland

Katerina Sehnoutkova, Czech Republic


Young people experiencing, or at risk of homelessness, generally present to homeless services with multiple and complex needs, including mental health problems. Homelessness is a stressful experience which both causes and exacerbates poor mental health, stress and anxiety which impacts on the confidence, self-esteem and overall wellbeing of young people. It can be a challenge for homeless service to offer holistic approaches to support improved mental wellness, while meeting other needs. This two-part training will identify key needs of young people experiencing homelessness and practices for services to better support the mental health of young people.


This training aims to:

  1. Identify and map some of the common mental health needs of young people experiencing homelessness
  2. Share existing practices across FEANTSA’s network which support the mental health of young people
  3. Provide a space for services to share some of the challenges and obstacles they face
  4. Offer an opportunity for participants to share their experiences and services and co-create solutions for problems identified


This training is broken into two mornings. The full agenda is detailed below. The first day focuses more on psychotherapy and similar interventions for young people to address their mental health and respond to traumas. The second day is intended to focus on how services can build confidence and improve self-esteem & wellbeing.

You can download the agenda here.