European Migration and Asylum Policies and their Impact on Homelessness: an Analysis of the ‘New Pact on Migration and Asylum’

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The aim of this paper is to provide a brief overview of homelessness experiences of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, while analysing the impact of EU migration policies on homelessness in the midst of a global health crisis and an ongoing war in Europe. In particular, we examine what the ‘New Pact on Migration and Asylum’ could mean in terms of access to accommodation. We also discuss the recent response of the European Commission and Member States to the large influx of people arriving from Ukraine and what lessons can be learnt from this period.

FEANTSA joins civil society in criticising the approach currently codified throughout the Pact on Migration and Asylum which will inevitably lead to increased border control, criminalisation of immigration and of stakeholders supporting migrants. It is evaluated that the current approach will contribute to increased detention of migrants, decreased safeguards and that it focuses on returns, to the detriment of a system based on shared responsibility that a common migration and asylum system would entail. In order to improve the accommodation as well as the overall integration of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, FEANTSA wishes to underline the need to ensure a swift and efficient reception system for those seeking protection in the Union. 


If you would like to access a poster presentation of this report, you will be able to find it here.