EPOCH Practice, FEANTSA, and MEP Alessandra Moretti are proud to invite you to this event at the European Parliament in support of better gender recognition in the development of public policies to combat homelessness.

The agenda will feature two hours of insightful presentations from a selection of experts, hosted by MEP Alessandra Moretti from the S&D group at the Parliament, including a Q&A session to collectively reflect on the issue.

The programme is still being finalised, but some speakers are already confirmed:

  • MEP Alessandra Moretti, host of this event, from the S&D group
  • Silvia Busi, EPOCH Practice officer, moderating the event
  • Dalma Fabian, Policy Officer at FEANTSA, responsible for women’s homelessness
  • Ruth Owen, Deputy Director at FEANTSA
  • Tii Juden, Expert by Experience at No Fixed Abode, Finland
  • Boroka Feher, Policy Officer at BMSZKI, Hungary
  • Patricia Bezunartea Barrio, General Director on Family Diversity and social Services at the Spanish Ministry of Social Rights, Consumer Affairs and Agenda 2030, Spain
  • Jules Van Dam, President of FEANTSA

More names will be confirmed in the coming weeks!

The event will take place at the European Parliament: 

SPAAK 7C50 (room) - Paul-Henri Spaak Building (PHS)  - Rue Wiertz 60, 1047 Brussels


You can register for the in-person or the online session by clicking here. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact EPOCH Practice at epoch.practice@feantsa.org

Deadline for in-person registrations: 29/10/2024