Housing Rights Watch PLATFORMS Housing Solutions Platfom Housing F irst Hub SECRETARIAT EUROPEAN OBSERVA T ORY ON HOMELESSNESS MEMBERSHIP General Assembly Administrative Council Executive Committee GOVERNANCE

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The FEANTSA Secretariat is based in Brussels and is composed of approximately 14 staff.

Click here to meet the team.


FEANTSA’s thematic clusters are informal groups of experts/practitioners who come together to exchange and collaborate on one of our thematic areas.

Their activity might include the production policy statements, the identification and promotion of good practices, the implementation of transnational projects, the publication of thematic news briefings and/or the organisation of study visits. Each cluster is co-ordinated by a member of the policy team.

  • Migration
  • Health
  • Gender
  • Employment
  • Youth
  • Participation


FEANTSA has established three satellite platforms to enable us to focus in depth on a handful of key priorities. These satellite platforms work closely with the core network to realise the same objective: to end homelessness in Europe.

Housing First Europe Hub

The Hub is a European platform which aims to further develop and promote Housing First in Europe. It is the result of a joint venture with the Y-Foundation. Find out more about their work here or go directly to their website.

Housing Rights Watch

FEANTSA facilitates this interdisciplinary European network of associations, lawyers and academics from different countries, who are committed to promoting the right to housing. Find out more about their work here or go directly to their website.

Housing Solutions Platform

The Housing Solutions Platform is an expertise- and practice-driven initiative to identify, debate and promote innovative solutions for affordable housing in Europe. It is a joint initiative of FEANTSA, Housing Europe and the Fondation Abbé Pierre. Find out more about their work here or go directly to their website.


The FEANTSA Secretariat is based in Brussels and is composed of approximately 14 staff.

Click here to meet the team.


The FEANTSA Secretariat is based in Brussels and is composed of approximately 14 staff.

Click here to meet the team.

European Observatory on Homelessness

The European Observatory on Homelessness (EOH) was set up in 1991 by FEANTSA to carry out transnational research on homelessness and housing exclusion.

The Observatory is made up of a core team of researchers from around Europe. Its main outputs are the biannually published European Journal of Homelessness and the annual Comparative Study series. The EOH also organizes a European Research Conference every year which is attended by over 200 researchers from around the world.

Click here for more information.


FEANTSA’s democratic decision-making structure is composed of: the General Assembly, the Administrative Council and the Executive Committee. The General Assembly is composed of all full members and meets once a year. The Administrative Council is composed of one representative per country with a full member. The Executive Committee is composed of 1 President, 2 Vice-Presidents, 1 Secretary, 1 Treasurer, and 2 EC Members. The EC and AC are elected for a 2-year term.


FEANTSA works with over 115 members across 28 countries. FEANTSA’s dynamic and growing membership is open to a wide range of actors in the fight against homelessness including NGO’s, cities, foundations, research institutes and other structures working on homelessness.

Find out more about membership here.