Homeless Bill of Rights This campaign aims to encourage cities to recognise the rights of homeless people.
Hotels to Homes: As the EU regenerates its tourism industry, homeless people must not be left without solutions
Hotels To Homes: The Time for Permanent Solutions is Now Launched May 2020, the Hotels To Homes campaign aims to put pressure on pubic authorities across Europe to use the work already done in accommodating homeless people during coronavirus confinement as a springboard to providing them with long-term solutions.
Be Fair, Europe - Stand Up for Homeless People Launched in 2017, this campaign aims to put homelessness at the heart of the EU 2030 agenda, with the ultimate aim of putting an end to homelessness in Europe.
Poverty is Not a Crime! (2012) Launched in 2012, the “Poverty is Not a Crime” campaign brings together activists from across Europe to demand that governments and municipalities stop criminalising and penalising homeless people.
Ending Homelessness in Possible! (2010) In the framework of the 2010 European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion, FEANTSA launched the ‘Ending Homelessness’ campaign. Throughout Europe, our members organised campaign activities around the central message that homelessness can and should be ended.