"Generativity: manage it!" Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership responds to key questions faced by most third sector organisations:
- how to find suitable resources to turn ideas into projects
- how to develop and write a proposal following Project Cycle Management (PCM)
- how to build up the necessary skills to successfully implement a project as a partnership
The project will answer the specific PCM needs of those who run daily interventions in the social field (homelessness, refugees, migrants, education, mental health, disability, training, equal opportunities). The principal objectives are to strengthen the quality of the competence in design and implementation of effective and sustainable social interventions by offering learning materials, the creation of collaborative empowerment and the acquisition of ICT and PCM skills.
Key outputs: Learning Modules & online Tutorials are available on the Generativity Platform in 6 languages (English, French, Italian, Polish, Greek, Dutch).
You can also directly access the Dutch language version in the Download Section (see column on the right) and the French language version by switching to French (top right corner).
The partnership is composed of high-level organizations, which are active at local, regional, national and European level and create together a multi-levelled integrated consortium: FEANTSA (BE), applicant organisation, Diciannove (IT), KEA (EL), Danmar Computers (PL), European Evaluation Company (UK), Cardet (CY), University of Thessaly (EL) Fiopsd (IT) and Fédération des acteurs de la solidarité (FR).
The Generativity Project has come to its end!
Check out the final project newsletter which walks you through 2 years of successful project implementation, building the capacity of social sector organizations to develop and successfully implement European level projects.
All outputs will be kept available on the Generativity Online Platform http://generativity.eu/.
10 juillet: La session d'information Generativity 'De l'idée au projet' à Bruxelles
Dans le cadre du projet 'Generativity- manage IT!' FEANTSA a organisé une session d’information ‘De l’idée au projet’, 10 juillet à Bruxelles (la participation est GRATUITE). La session s'est adressée aux acteurs et services sociaux belge & bruxellois et a éré consacrée au développement des projets européens et leurs implémentation, basée sur la méthode ‘gestion de cycle de projet’ (‘project cycle management’).
Les présentations utilisées sont accessibles à droite (download section, en français). N'hésitez pas de contacter Ruth Kasper, chargée de projet Generativity, en cas de questions.
Please find all materials which were used during the workshop on the right (download section, in French).
February 2018: All Intellectual Outputs are ONLINE! Check out the
- Generativity platform including a detailed bibliography of project-management literature
- modules 0 to 5 on developing and building a successful European project application covering a wide range of questions and aspects that pop up during proposal development & project implementation
- tutorials which introduce you to project-relevant software tools such as free for use project management programs and social media tools.
All material are accessible in English, French, Dutch, Italian, Polish and Greek.
Evaluation reports of all IOs will be provided on this website- see column to the right Download Section.
June 2017: 1st project milestone: Staff training on PCM

From June 12th to 16th, project partners met in Greece for a 5-days joint staff training, hosted by our local project partner Kea. The training had two main aims: First, to present and discuss the Generativity learning modules among the partnership, collecting comments and feedback which will help shaping the final version. Second, the training event gave space for extensive knowledge sharing and exchange between the expert partners (Diciannove, Danmar, European Evaluation Company) and the other partner organizations (among them the FEANTSA members fioPSD and Fédération des acteurs de la solidarité).
During the next months, the partners will jointly work on the training modules. Their main focus will be on European funding and how Project Cycle Management can support the successful design, planning & implementation of European projects. The modules particularly target organizations that provide training to adults and youth as well as the wider social sector.
The training modules will be published on the Generativity platform in early December and disseminated through multiplier events in all project countries: Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Poland and the UK.