Homelessness among unaccompanied minors in Europe



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Unaccompanied minors, often displaced due to conflict, poverty, or persecution, have arrived in large numbers in European countries for almost a decade now. Despite some fluctuations across the years, the number of children fleeing to safety has remained significant. Despite this, countries continue to fail to ensure that all children have a dignified reception that will answer to their best interests and desires, as enshrined in relevant legislation.

his paper seeks to shed light on the experiences of homelessness among unaccompanied minors in Europe while analysing the main causes and putting forward possible solutions. Specifically, the objectives of this study are threefold: first, we will take note of how many unaccompanied minors arrive in Europe and what is known about those who experience homelessness. Second, the goal is to identify the causes of homelessness among unaccompanied minors by examining systemic and structural factors which contribute to these situations, such as gaps in immigration policies, limited access to social services, and discrimination. Lastly, we will explore current responses and propose potential solutions by evaluating existing interventions and policies. The paper aims to recommend strategies for creating sustainable support systems that address the unique needs of unaccompanied minors.