Press Release: European Parliament Calls upon the EU for concrete action towards ending homelessness 21-Dec-10
FEANTSA Position: Call for the Recognition of the Specificities of SSGI: FEANTSA Contribution to the European Debate on Social Services of General Interest 03-Oct-10
Press Release: “We all have a responsibility” - Commissioner László Andor discusses how the EU can effectively contribute to the fight against homelessness at the launch of FEANTSA’s ‘Ending Homelessness’ Campaign at the European Parliament 14-Apr-10
FEANTSA Position: Consultation on an EU Strategy for Combating Violence against Women 2011-2015 03-Jan-10
FEANTSA Position: Quality in Social Services from the Perspective of Services Working with Homeless People 03-Oct-09
FEANTSA Position: Access to employment for people experiencing homelessness: recommendations for member states and the European Union 16-May-09