Understanding Cities’ Vacant Housing Potential to Provide Adequate Affordable Housing Solutions 31-Jan-23
FEANTSA Report: Investment in Affordable & Social Housing Solutions: Reaching the “Locked Out” in Europe 12-Feb-21
2016 FEANTSA Policy Conference: Leveraging the European Consensus to Win the Fight against Homelessness 09-Jun-16
Winter 2008 - Homeless in Europe Magazine: Housing and Homelessness: Models and Practices from Across Europe 27-Dec-08
Summer 2006 - Homeless in Europe Magazine: the EU Matters: The Impact of Europe on the Fight Against Homelessness and Housing Exclusion 28-Jul-06
Spring 2005 - Homeless in Europe Magazine: The Future of Service Provision in Europe: The Homeless Sector and the Draft Services Directive 28-Apr-05