European Journal of Homelessness: Volume 2 - 2008

Section 1

European Journal of Homelessness, Volume 2, December 2008
(Print ISSN: 2030 - 2762, Online ISSN: 2030 - 3106)

Effectiveness of Policies and Services for Homelessness

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Isabel Baptista & Eoin O’Sullivan The Role of the State in Developing Homeless Strategies: Portugal and Ireland in Comparative Perspective

Lars Benjaminssen & Evelyn Dyb The Effectiveness of Homeless Policies – Variations among the Scandinavian Countries

Volker Busch-Geertsema & Suzanne Fitzpatrick Effective Homelessness Prevention? Explaining Reductions in Homelessness in Germany and England

Dennis P. Culhane The Costs of Homeless – A Perspective from the US

Maša Filipoviè Hrast Media Representations of Homelessness and the Link to (Effective) Policies: The Case of Slovenia

Marie Loison-Leruste Building Consensus? The French Experience of a ‘Consensus Conference’ on Homelessness

Lars-Erik Olsson & Marie Nordfeldt Homelessness and the Tertiary Welfare System in Sweden – The Role of Welfare State and Non-profit Sector

Policy Evaluation

Ilja Hradecký
Building Capacity of Homeless Services in the Czech Republic

Sarah Johnsen & Suzanne Fitzpatrick
The Use of Enforcement to Combat Begging and Street Drinking in England: A High Risk Strategy?

Eoin O’Sullivan
Sustainable Solutions to Homelessness: The Irish Case

Agnes van der Poel, Cas Barendregt & Dike van de Mheen Homelessness and other living Condition Characteristics of Drug Users 2003 - 2007, in Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Julia Wygnanska
The Impact of Structural Funding on Service Provision for the Homeless (EQUAL and Poland)

Think Pieces

Robert Aldridge
The Limitations of Cost Analysis in Relation to Homelessness

Iain Atherton & Carol McNaughton Nicholls
‘Housing First’ as a Means of Addressing Multiple Needs and Homelessness

Paul Flatau & Kaylene Zaretzky
The Economic Evaluation of Homelessness Programmes


Benjaminssen L and Christensen I (2007)Homelessness in Denmark 2007: National Survey(Marie Nordfelt )

Mayock, P. and O’Sullivan, E. (2007)Lives in crisis: Homeless young people in Dublinand Pillinger, J. (2007)Homeless Pathways: Developing effective strategies to address pathways into, through and out of homelessness(Deborah Quilgars)

Razpotnik, Š & Dekleva B (2007)On the street - homeless people talk about themselves and others talk about them(Maša Filipovi? Hrast)

Wolf, J, van Luijtelaar, L, Jansen, C & Altena, A (2007)Measuring client satisfaction in shelters and housing projects for homeless people (Rina Beers)