Housing Exclusion in Europe: Fondation Abbé Pierre and FEANTSA present their 9th Overview on the 19th of September 2024

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Fondation Abbé Pierre and FEANTSA present the 9th Overview on Housing Exclusion in Europe: the report reveals alarming figures testifying to the urgency of the situation, particularly that of children and adolescents. This is an opportunity to raise awareness of the extent of housing exclusion and homelessness among young people.

The two organisations estimate that, in 2023, 400,000 children experienced homelessness in Europe. Additionally, multiple forms of housing exclusion continue to affect young people, including:

  • 14.5 million children live in inadequate housing.
  • Five million families with children are in a situation of energy poverty.
  • One in four minors lives in overcrowded housing.

Whether on the street, cared for in reception facilities, temporarily accommodated in hotels, or forced to live in makeshift shelters, slums or overcrowded housing, these children are denied the living conditions which would allow them to grow up in dignity. These situations have direct and profound consequences: impact on the health and access to care, on food and nourishment, or difficulty following their education. Beyond the effect on daily life, inadequate housing can potentially hinder the trajectory and future chances of an entire generation.

With the re-election of Ursula Von der Leyen at the head of the European Commission, Europe appears conscious of the violence of the housing crisis. Although many points remain to be clarified, the strategy for the next European Commission 2024-2029, published by the President the day after her election, suggests a significant commitment on this issue with various measures announced: a ground-breaking European plan for affordable housing, a commissioner responsible for housing, a European investment platform for affordable housing and sustainable housing, and a doubling of finances available for affordable housing under cohesion policy.

Fondation Abbé Pierre and FEANTSA welcome these initiatives which follow the creation of the European Platform on Combatting Homelessness and will present their recommendations to the institutions. However, these encouraging announcements are not enough on their own. Facing the scale of the current crisis, it is essential to rethink our approach collectively and comprehensively to housing as a fundamental right. The new mandate of the European institutions must give impetus to concrete, ambitious, and sustainable policies on access to housing, ensuring access to dignified and suitable accommodation for all, in line with needs.



Français: Angèle Roblot et Raphaëlle Graffion - Fondation Abbé Pierre

media@fondation-abbe-pierre.fr / +336 23 25 93 79

English: Rocio Urias - FEANTSA

rocio.urias@feantsa.org / +346 74 79 01 01